We're Proud To Support 'Models For Heroes'


Our chosen charity for CHILLCON Sheffield 2022 is 'Models For Heroes' 50% of the money raised from the bring & buy will be donated to 'Models for Heroes'.
Who are 'Models For Heroes'?
Models for Heroes support Help for Heroes, Combat Stress and NHS MoD wards, plus thirty other localized charities and organizations.
Please ensure you fill your bring & buy form out before the show, it will save a lot of time at the show. You will require the
'Bring & Buy Form' if you require additional space then please download the 'Extra Sheet'.
Prices must be in 50p increments (e.g £1.00 or £1.50)
Please place prices on the items
Where possible, please fill in your forms before the show
10% of your total sales will be deducted in fee's
1) Although reasonable precautions are taken, we cannot accept responsibility for any items that may have been lost or stolen.
2) Please ensure every item has your selling prices clearly visible (in units of 50p)
3) Items may be dropped off from 10am and collected no earlier than 3:30pm. Please ensure you keep your tickets safe, if you have no tickets when it comes to collection, we reserve the right to refuse payment. (This is to help reduce theft)
4) Items left for sale must be collected by the seller before 4pm, any items left behind will be the property of CHILLCON for a charity raffle.
5) Your signature on this booking form confirms you agree to the above T&C’s.

Dubbed as one of the North's favorite tabletop conventions, well known for being family friendly and a relaxed atmosphere. CHILLCON is in its sixth year and welcomes some of the most loved wargaming and tabletop companies in the industry.
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